As a pharmacist or pharmacy owner, your primary goal is to provide patients with the necessary medications they need to heal from their medical ailment. When you are accused of prescription drug abuse, vaccine injuries, are facing a class-action lawsuit, or any other pharmacy-related accusation, you will need to enlist the help of the Marcarian Law Firm, P.C., to assess your options.
The Marcarian Law Firm, P.C., has experience representing pharmacy owners and their pharmacists in matters related to regulatory and transactional matters and reimbursement matters. We have also handled cases involving professional malpractice, drug diversion, third-party audits, and disciplinary matters. Other pharmacy-specific services we offer include:
We also have experience handling class action lawsuits.
Pharmaceutical dispensing errors are far more common than you may think and the most common place they happen is at retail chain drug stores and prescription mail-order houses. Common pharmaceutical errors occur when:
Under Section 11153 of California’s Health and Safety Code, there is an area that discusses corresponding responsibility. Several steps must be taken to ensure the medication is being taken as prescribed:
You will need a Woodland Hills pharmacy law attorney to prove that you took the proper steps to ensure you did not contribute to prescription drug abuse.
Armond Marcarian is uniquely qualified as a Woodland Hills Pharmacy Law Attorney as well as a pharmacist. This gives him knowledge, unlike any other attorney you may find since he knows exactly what it takes to be in a pharmacy and work as a pharmacist. The Marcarian Law Firm P.C. has represented pharmacists and pharmacy owners dealing with compliance matters, false claims, and anti-kickback matters.
Our Best Pharmacy Lawyer has the experience and knowledge to handle your case. We understand that facing these kinds of accusations can be detrimental to your career and your pharmacy. Do not hesitate to contact the Marcarian Law Firm at 818-995-8787 or by clicking here.