Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawyer

Sexual harassment is abhorrent, and it can be detrimental in workplaces throughout Los Angeles. Unfortunately, sexual harassment behaviors are not uncommon in and around this area. At the Marcarian Law Firm, our lawyers are here to help if you need a Top Sexual Harassment Lawyer by your side. We have the resources necessary to investigate your allegations fully, and our goal will be to determine liability and help you secure the compensation and justice you are entitled to.

Understanding Sexual Harassment Behaviors in the Los Angeles Workplace

The California Government Code (Section usually uses the term “harassment” that relates to sex and includes such things as sexual harassment, gender harassment, and harassment based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. California has taken that context and enlarged it.

Sexual harassment per se, regarding employment, would include:

  • Unwelcome sexual advances
  • Requests for sexual favors
  • Verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature

Other factors that could be considered sexual harassment types of behaviors include:

  • Situations where the employee’s submission to such sexual conduct is made a term or condition of employment (either explicitly or implicitly)
  • Instances where an employee’s willingness to participate in sexual activity is used as a basis for employment decisions
  • Conduct on the employer’s part that has the effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating a hostile or offensive working environment

Steps to Take If You Think You Have Been Sexually Harassed at Work in Los Angeles

The law in California treats each type of sexual harassment behavior slightly differently.

If, on the other hand, it is a co-worker perpetrating sexual harassment, the employer will not necessarily be held liable unless he or she knew about it and did nothing to stop it and there was a program in place to prevent harassment.

However, the co-worker who harasses you can be held personally liable, whether or not the employer knows about the harassment. The same situation exists with a client of your employer who may be sexually harassing you. Again, if the employer did not know about it or had a program in place to prevent it, then they are not necessarily going to be liable.

The first thing you need to do if you feel you are being sexually harassed is to let your boss or human resources know about it immediately and ask that it be stopped immediately. We would recommend that anyone in that position put it in writing and make sure they save a copy to hold the employer liable. The employer has to be aware of the situation (or harassment) and fail to take immediate steps to rectify or stop it.

The important thing is to let them know about it, preferably in writing. Many times, people will contact us and say that they were sexually harassed at work. When we ask if they told anyone who knows about it or requested that it stop, they will often say that they did not. In one sense, that is understandable because the employee is often embarrassed but has to let their employer or human resources know about it so they can call upon the law to protect them if necessary.

Contact Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawyer Today

If you or somebody you love has experienced sexual harassment in the workplace in or around the Los Angeles area, contact the Top Employment Lawyer in California at the Marcarian Law Firm as soon as possible. Our team has extensive experience handling complex sexual harassment cases, and we know what it takes to fully investigate the claims and secure the compensation our clients need.

When you need a Top Sexual Harassment Lawyer, you can contact us for an initial consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 818-995-8787

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