Understanding Los Angeles Class Action Lawyer/Attorney
There are times when companies, government agencies, or other entities conduct wrongdoing on such a scale that it affects many people at the same time. For example, a company could fail to properly pay employees an adequate hourly wage or overtime. A pharmaceutical company could purposely mislead the public about the side effects of medication.
When the wrongdoing of a company, government entity, or anybody else affects many people at one time, it may be necessary for those harmed to form a larger “class” to file a lawsuit as a collective as opposed to individually. At the Marcarian Law Firm, we are standing by to help with your need for a Los Angeles Class Action Attorney by your side. We have the resources necessary to handle complex cases, and we will work to determine liability and secure full compensation for your losses.
A class action lawsuit occurs when a group of individuals (referred to as the plaintiffs or class representatives) file a lawsuit on behalf of a larger group of individuals who have experienced the same wrongdoing. The goal of a class action lawsuit is to combine what would be many individual cases into a larger, more impactful lawsuit against the wrongdoer.
The main elements of a class action lawsuit revolve around how many people were affected, what commonalities exist between the cases, the overall interests of the case, and the desired results.
Recent class action lawsuits handled by the Marcarian Law Firm include:
A class action on behalf of 1.6 million California patients for a violation of their medical privacy. . .
In 2011, attorneys of the Marcarian Law Firm were appointed class counsel for the settling class in a class action involving 1.6 million California patients. The lawsuit alleged that the defendants had violated California’s Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (“CMIA”). (Cal. Civ. Code § 56 et seq.) While they expressly disclaimed any liability under the CMIA, the defendants agreed to settle the case for $4 million and undertake certain additional precautionary measures. After the payment of certain court-approved costs and fees, almost $3 million was distributed to nine non-profit organizations to promote medical or patient privacy in California.
A class action on behalf of machine operators who were denied meal and/or rest breaks. . .
On June 18, 2012, a Los Angeles Superior Court granted final approval to the settlement of wage and hour claims that the Marcarian Law Firm brought on behalf of approximately 250 machine operators of one of the largest custom plastic injection molding manufacturers on the West Coast. The lawsuit alleged that the defendant had denied the operators their opportunity to take certain meals and rest breaks. Although the defendant did not admit any liability, it agreed to settle the case for $216,000. The settlement provides a substantial payment to these minimum-wage workers for missed meals and/or rest breaks.
A class action on behalf of students of the Art Institute of California for unlawful, unfair, fraudulent, and predatory business practices. . .
On April 11, 2012, The Marcarian Law Firm filed a class action on behalf of students of the eight campuses of the Art Institute of California who each lost approximately $57,500 in federal student loans through the unscrupulous and predatory practices of the Art Institute(s). The eight campuses include The Art Institute of California – Hollywood, Inc., The Art Institute of California – Sunnyvale, Inc., The Art Institute of California – Sacramento, Inc., The Art Institute of California – Los Angeles, Inc., The Art Institute of California – Inland Empire, Inc., The Art Institute of California – Orange County, Inc., TAIC – San Diego, Inc., and TAIC – San Francisco, Inc.
The lawsuit alleged that students pursuing an Art Institute bachelor’s degree were misled into believing that federal student loans would cover the full cost of tuition and were never informed that federal student loans had an aggregate limit, at which time students were forced to withdraw without their degree and saddled with federal student loan debt.
This matter was resolved in private mediation on behalf of the named plaintiff only.
Other Class Actions…
Over the past several years, the Marcarian Law Firm has represented several clients in other class actions involving labor law violations and pharmaceutical-related matters, litigating against some of the most capable and prestigious law firms in the nation. The Marcarian Law Firm is well-seasoned in class action litigation.
If you think that you could be part of an ongoing class action lawsuit, or if you are not sure about whether or not you may have an injury lawsuit at all, please speak to an attorney at the Marcarian Law Firm as soon as possible. Our team will analyze the facts of your case and help you determine the best steps forward for your situation. If you need a Los Angeles Class Action Lawyer/Attorney, you can contact us for an initial consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 818-995-8787
Contact us at 818-995-8787 for a consultation.