Los Angeles Business and Partnerships Disputes Attorney

Business and Partnerships Disputes Attorney

Los Angeles is a trendy place for businesses. If you own or operate a business, we know you are proud of what you do. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for disputes to arise between businesses and business partners. There are various reasons why business partnership disputes arise, but one thing is certain: the parties involved need to seek legal assistance. At the Marcarian Law Firm, our Los Angeles Business and Partnerships Disputes Attorney has extensive experience handling cases involving limited liability companies, partnerships, and joint ventures.

Disputes Between Businesses And Partners Must Be Resolved

When a business or partnership dispute arises in or around Los Angeles, there is no getting around the need to involve an attorney. Under California law, business partners owe a fiduciary duty to one another. Not only do these fiduciary duties revolve around the business, but they also involve outside opportunities that could tangentially be related to the operation of that business. You must understand your rights and obligations to your business and business partners.

Partnership disputes often involve lost profits and the destruction of the business itself. However, complex business planning and skilled conflict resolution can help prevent disastrous outcomes when a dispute arises. Whether you are in the process of forming a business or facing a business dispute, you cannot let the entire operation be jeopardized.

All business owners and partners must address various issues, or possible issues, that could lead to a business or partnership dispute. We always like to point out to our clients that it is costlier and significantly more challenging to deal with a business dispute after it has arisen than to work to prevent issues before they even arise. At the Marcarian Law Firm, some of the issues that we help clients with regularly include the following:

  • Control of partnership agreements
  • Claims for breach of fiduciary duty
  • Misappropriation of funds
  • Partnership dissolution
  • Divorce disputes
  • Probate and estate disputes
  • Removal of a partner

For each of these issues, we understand that the disputes that arise could become complex. Partnership disputes and other business disputes can be dealt with through various types of dispute resolution, including:

  • Negotiations
  • Mediation
  • Arbitration
  • Mitigation

Regardless of how you choose to move forward with resolving a business or partnership dispute, you need to have an attorney by your side who can help ensure that you are treated fairly throughout the process. What may start as a seemingly minor dispute could evolve into litigation very quickly without legal assistance to walk the parties through the process.

Call a Los Angeles Business and Partnerships Disputes Attorney Today

If your business is involved in a dispute with another business or individual, or if there is a dispute between you and your business partners, contact the Marcarian Law Firm for help today. Our team has extensive experience handling complex business and partnership dispute cases, and we will work to protect you at every step in the process. Let us investigate the situation and work on your case as soon as possible. When you need a Los Angeles Business and Partnerships Disputes Attorney, you can contact us for an initial consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 818-995-8787

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