As a pharmacy attorney and pharmacist, Armond Marcarian is uniquely qualified to assist pharmacists and pharmacy owners facing myriad issues specific to the pharmacy profession.
While our practice is not limited to pharmacy matters, the MARCARIAN LAW FIRM, P.C., has intimate knowledge of the issues and challenges that face the profession of pharmacy attorneys and pharmacists today.
The MARCARIAN LAW FIRM’s practice includes representing pharmacists and pharmacy owners in a wide variety of reimbursement, regulatory, and transactional matters. Armond Marcarian has represented pharmacists and pharmacy owners before the state Medi-Cal agencies and in federal and state courts in reimbursement disputes.
Mr. Marcarian has also represented pharmacists and pharmacy law owners in compliance matters, advising clients on billing issues, false claims, and anti-kickback matters. The MARCARIAN LAW FIRM, P.C., has experience in civil and administrative litigation, DEA audits and investigations, and criminal matters involving pharmacists and pharmacy law owners.
Additionally, we have represented many pharmacists and pharmacy law owners in various matters, including professional malpractice defense, drug diversion, disciplinary matters, and third-party audits.
Consult our Pharmacy Attorneys or Los Angeles Pharmacy Law Attorney
For a confidential consultation, CONTACT us, our Pharmacy Attorneys, or our Los Angeles Pharmacy Law Attorney at 818-995-8787.